Radical Edge

Located in Fredericton’s historic downtown and founded by Mike Davis more than three decades ago, Radical Edge proudly provides the community with equipment they need to connect with nature through sports and adventure. Their bike and ski shop helps locals enjoy emission-free transportation with bikes and ski gear, along with services such as installation, repair, maintenance, and equipment rental.   

Outdoor activities require the right equipment to be enjoyed to their full potential, but the most critical element is nature. Radical Edge understands that healthy and protected outdoor spaces are essential to outdoor sports and adventure and are affected by how we treat our planet and its resources. This is why they, like many other outdoor equipment suppliers and retailers, have decided to become leaders when it comes to sustainability and environmental responsibility.  

Looking to make a greater impact, Mike sought out the services of The SmartEnergy Company, an energy management service provider specializing in solar energy, to ensure they were staying ahead of the game. It was through a discussion about Radical Edge’s sustainability goals where Mike learned about NB Power’s energy efficiency programs, which would give him a road map and incentives to achieve the high standards he was aiming for.  

The first step they took was having an energy efficiency audit completed, which is rebated through NB Power’s program. After the initial assessment, Radical Edge then leaned on SmartEnergy’s expertise to retrofit their building to become better insulated and airtight for improved temperature control. This leaves a wide margin for improvement with thousands of dollars in potential annual savings. The upgrades not only reduced energy wastage, but also came with the advantage of making the space more comfortable for both customers and employees.  

Staying true to their name, Radical Edge pushed the project even further with the installation of solar panels allowing them to maximize their reliance on renewable energy to further protect the environment. In the face of the challenges brought about by the projects, SmartEnergy and the NB Power teams both lent their expertise to help the retailer navigate building code requirements and engineering challenges to push the projects forward. 

NB Power’s energy efficiency advice and incentives helped Radical Edge to become more energy efficient, and they have worked hard to reduce their impact on the environment. They are proud to be an example of what it means to be sustainably minded as a business. “It is through community efforts like these, that we will be able to conserve nature and allow younger generations to enjoy the outdoors for years to come,” says Mike.