Save Energy NB
écoénergie fièrement offert par Énergie NB

Thank you for your interest in making your home more energy efficient. Since launching we’ve had tremendous interest in the Enhanced Energy Savings Program (EESP) and are fully subscribed for the 2025/26 fiscal year and beyond for new registrations. We are keeping a waiting list which could be up to two years for new applications based on funding availability. We will continue to pre-screen applicants on a first come, first served basis.

You can choose to proceed and register in the EESP or consider SaveEnergyNB’s other residential program, the Total Home Energy Savings Program. Under the Total Home Energy Savings Program participants cover the upfront cost of recommended upgrades and receive incentives after eligible upgrades are complete. Homeowners can also apply for a loan to finance their upgrades. The Canada Greener Homes Loan is administered by Natural Resources Canada and offers interest-free financing for energy efficiency upgrades.